I am starting with BigClown and trying to get messages from a Core Module - without success.
Is there any tutorial for it or can you help?
My OS is Windows 10 64-bit.
I have installed Playgroud 1.0.9 and Toolchain 1.3.0.
Downloaded and built the latest BCF gateway firmware, successfully uploaded it into the Core Module.
The Core Module is connected to the COM11 port.
I have started a BigClown Gateway: pm2 start “%BigClownGateway%” --name bcg – --device COM11
and have checked it runs.
When I start mosquitto I cannot see any MQTT message.
mosquitto_sub -t “#” -v
mosquitto_pub -h router -t “gateway/all/info/get” -n
still sends Unable to connect (Lookup error.)
I can get the “router” message after I press the RESET button:
gateway/core-module/info {“id”: “836d1983814e”, “firmware”: “bcf-gateway-core-module”, “version”: “v1.8.0”}
gateway/core-module/nodes []
It works now.
Thank you for the help.
Conclusion: I did not realized that I must have a look into the makefile and find parameters there.
That is because of lack of experience with C (I have started with C several days ago when I received BigClown modules).
Well, maybe this should be mentioned in documentation. I expect this is automatically covered by development tool, like Visual Studio, but if you use only simple or more clever text editor and command line (not IDE), this could help.
I tried to build with VS Code but it fails with
c:/program files (x86)/bigclown toolchain/make/sh: syntax error: unexpected “(”
make: *** [sdk/Makefile.mk:165: debug] Error 2
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1
and I do not want to find a cause for now.
So, I stuck with a command line make.