Can I use Segger J-Link EDU mini to run Hardwario Console?

I’m trying to run hardwario console with Segger J-Link EDU mini but got the following error message: An error was reported by NRFJPROG DLL: -6 UNKNOWN_DEVICE.

Is there any configuration that I need to change?

Hello David,

J-Link EDU should work, we can confirm that.

However we noticed that is it not as stable as compared to J-Link Plus, so for different reasons sometimes it is returning these NRFJPROG DLL errors more frequently than J-Link Plus.

However the UNKNOWN_DEVICE should really mean that the Debugger don’t know the type of the CHIP.

Which MCU are you programming?
Did it work with the same programmer before?
Do the J-Link have the recent firmware? When you run some JLinkConfigExe GUI tools on Windows(mac?), it should suggest to upgrade the firmware. Also send screenshot of JLinkConfigExe GUI tool so we can see if the driver and firmware is ok. (Down there there is a button to update firmware)

Here is my output of JLink EDU that works with HARDWARIO Console

This is a connection to CHESTER APP MCU, can you try it if it also fails?
JLinkExe -device nRF52840_xxAA -if SWD -speed 4000 -autoconnect 1

Do you have same error with HARDWARIO Monitor?

Thank you Martin. It seems the JLink EDU has intermittent connection issue. After trying 5~6 times, it was able to connect.
