Hi there,
is there any general option or function how could be found out which modules and/or tags is currently connected to Core module for choosing right behaviour?
For example if there is LCD module currently disconnected, data from temperature sensor should be sent wirelessly.
when I was playing with esp8266, I used I2C scanner for checking occupied I2C addresses (eg. https://gist.github.com/tfeldmann/5411375). I hope you can use same method here.
From source code, you can see that LCD is connected to I2C address 0x3c (https://github.com/bigclownlabs/bcf-sdk/blob/8d8f067a96217205999e267a7af19464c57fbe18/bcl/src/bc_module_lcd.c#L317). But there is probably no list of all devices with their address.
I don’t have any code, compatible with BC now, but maybe in the future…
Nice! Then I2C scanner can show also other details about address.
You can do some I2C dummy reading, maybe even read just 0 bytes. All bc_i2c...
functions return false when device doesn’t answer with ACK after their address is send to the bus.
… minute later …
Yes, it works. LCD Module detection
uint8_t dummy_byte;
bool lcd_module_connected = bc_i2c_memory_read_8b(BC_I2C_I2C0, 0x3c, 0x00, &dummy_byte);
I’ve set reading register 0x00
. It could work different for other I2C devices. Best is to use WHO_AM_I
I2C register for sensors which has it.