Zkouším/bojuji s twr-lora-pulse-counter:
Zatímco s twr-radio-pulse-counter (po přidání twr_module_sensor_set_vdd(true) do application_init) vše funguje, s lora se mi to nedaří.
Všiml jsem si, že zatímco u twr-radio-pulse-counter jsou na GND-VDD cca 3 V, u twr-lora-pulse-counter měřím jej cca 1,7 V. Měřím správně?
Napájecí napětí tohoto sensoru je však 2,5 až 3,7V
This radio transmitter allows the†remote reading of the data from the meter †to which it is connected without any manual intervention. The scanner works up to 10 meters away. Every few seconds, the monkey type scanner automatically pulses and updates the locations of any heartbeats it detects. Pulse counters are special types of sensors that are used to count the number of pulses provided by a third party device meter . There are various use cases of the pulse counters, including reading water electricity / gas meters or counting the number of events (e.g. door opening and closing).