you can use bc_system_get_vbus_sense() but this signal is from FTDI and it reacts to USB enumeration, no to the USB power. So it will detect computer, but not charger.
However I read here that it could be reconfigured in FTDI, not sure.
B) Read analog voltage VDD
read analog voltage of VDD pin. When the system is powered by batterry, you read around 3.1V, when from USB you read 3.29 V. I connected VDD pin on Core Module to P4 pin and here is the example:
#include <application.h>
// Find defailed API description at
// LED instance
bc_led_t led;
float gadc;
static void _adc_event_handler(bc_adc_channel_t channel, bc_adc_event_t event, void *param)
(void) channel;
(void) param;
if (event == BC_ADC_EVENT_DONE)
float adc;
bc_adc_async_get_voltage(BC_ADC_CHANNEL_A4, &adc);
if (adc > 3.25)
bc_led_set_mode(&led, BC_LED_MODE_ON);
bc_led_set_mode(&led, BC_LED_MODE_BLINK_FAST);
// Application task function (optional) which is called peridically if scheduled
void application_task(void)
// Application initialization function which is called once after boot
void application_init(void)
// Initialize LED
bc_led_init(&led, BC_GPIO_LED, false, 0);
bc_adc_set_event_handler(BC_ADC_CHANNEL_A4, _adc_event_handler, NULL);
C) BATT_OFF gpio pin
This signal is 5V when the USB power is connected. You can wire it to the GPIO P6 or P7 which can handle 5V signals. If you connect 5V to ADC GPIOs you can damage the pins.
Check the pinout on developers page.
This solution is better then reading ADC value.
void application_task(void)
if (bc_gpio_get_input(BC_GPIO_P6))
bc_led_set_mode(&led, BC_LED_MODE_ON);
bc_led_set_mode(&led, BC_LED_MODE_BLINK_FAST);
// Application initialization function which is called once after boot
void application_init(void)
// Initialize LED
bc_led_init(&led, BC_GPIO_LED, false, 0);
bc_gpio_set_mode(BC_GPIO_P6, BC_GPIO_MODE_INPUT);
bc_gpio_set_pull(BC_GPIO_P6, BC_GPIO_PULL_DOWN);