VOC LP Tag Values


I started to adapt the bcf-generic-node code from Github to include the VOC_LP sensor.

On top of the battery module I have the CO2 sensor with the VOC LP tag. On the core module there is the split module with LCD and climate module.

I am not sure however if the readings from the VOC are correct - the output seems to be always 0 except for 2 very brief moments where it went to 4. I thought I can influence the readings with my breath?

I basically used a lot of copy + paste to implement the VOC LP tag like the other tags from the example:

The init / call must be working because I get the data published from this function:

`void voc_tag_event_handler(bc_tag_voc_lp_t *self, bc_tag_voc_lp_event_t event, void *event_param)
event_param_t *param = (event_param_t *) event_param;
uint16_t value;

if (bc_tag_voc_lp_get_tvoc_ppb(self, &value))
    if ((fabsf(value - param->value) >= VOC_TAG_PUB_VALUE_CHANGE) || (param->next_pub < bc_scheduler_get_spin_tick()))
        // bc_tag_voc_lp_set_compensation(self, &values.temperature, &values.humidity);

        float output = value;
        bc_radio_pub_float("VOC", &output);
        param->value = value;
        param->next_pub = bc_scheduler_get_spin_tick() + VOC_TAG_PUB_NO_CHANGE_INTERVAL;
        values.voc = value;


Output from the last few minutes:
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/co2-meter/-/concentration”, 2262]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]
Gateway device readline: [“e59fd47e32cc/VOC”, 0.00]

Anyone can point me into the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

Hi. After what time since power up did you report these values? It takes about 23 hours to get some meaningful data from the sensor. There is nothing we can do about it. Thanks. P.

Thank you for the answer. I thought the initial 24 hours was just a accuracy issue - eg. showing 100 instead of 90. I will let it run the whole day and check back when I am back home.